Mail Preview lets you see your mail before you download it. Because of all the viruses and spam going around, you often don't want to open all of your mail.
Since Mail Preview doesn't actually open the messages, you can't get a virus by reading your mail.
Main Features:
- Direct access to the mail messages from the POP3 server.
- Very fast than other mail clients.
- When you read a mail message you do not delete it so it is viewable with other programs.
- You can save the mail as .RTF, .HTML or .TXT file.
- You can store the message attachments to the disk.
- You can delete messages directly from the server.
- You can undelete messages if your POP3 server allows this.
- You cannot "catch" viruses like "I love you". or HTML virus Actually you can't catch any virus if you read a message.